
Welcome to Eco!

…a project of Meierdesigns​

The goal of the project is to promote green projects to save our environment. Open source and start-up projects need more audience and better understanding.

That’s why it is important to me to provide the highest quality visualization to help the public understand the functionality of new sources of energy. I think the more appealing a visualization is the better customers find a connection to the product.

I would really appreciate you following the project on twitter as I post news and industry insights about green technology and renewable energy. Thank you in advance!





Who I am…

Meierdesigns profile image

Arne Meier

Green energy enthusiast from Wolfsburg, Germany





Meierdesigns Eco
15 Stunden ago

RT @coughsyrupEU: Folgt mir für weitere business Tipps 🤓 https://t.co/vnY8C1nRgN

Meierdesigns Eco
15 Stunden ago

RT @meierdesignsEco: Where would you buy technology for renewable energy production for your home?
#eco #technology #Tesla

Meierdesigns Eco
23 Stunden ago

There are already many technologies available today. I hope people recognize the possibilities we could use.

Meierdesigns Eco
24 Stunden ago

.@exoNFT why are you called solar?

Meierdesigns Eco
1 Tag ago

RT @IRENA: World #EnergyTransitions Outlook preview by @IRENA, highlights priority actions and investment opportunities.
With the right de…

Meierdesigns Eco
1 Tag ago

RT @Linuzifer: Der neue #LucaApp Hack ist eine Gefahr für Nutzerinnen und Gesundheitsämter.
Werden die Ministerpräsidentinnen endlich Konse…

Meierdesigns Eco
1 Tag ago

RT @chaosupdates: Code injection: Die Schwachstellen in der #LucaApp sind eklatant und die Reaktionen der Betreiber jedes Mal katastrophal…

Meierdesigns Eco
1 Tag ago

RT @mfeilner: So, liebe Teilnehmer des Javascript-Kurses. Heute lernen wir, welche Qualitätsstandards und Tests Euer Code einhalten muss, w…

Meierdesigns Eco
1 Tag ago

RT @USCleanPower: Today we announced our dynamic list of speakers and discussion topics for our June 7-10 #CLEANPOWER2021 Virtual panels on…

Meierdesigns Eco
1 Tag ago

RT @OrstedUS: Make sure to register for #CLEANPOWER2021 where Ørsted’s very own @DavidHardyUS, Offshore NA CEO, Vishal Kapadia, Onshore SVP…


Copyright by Meierdesigns 2021